Midjourney prompt stream
An infinitely scrolling, semi-realtime stream of prompts collected from the Midjourney image generation service.
/ourguy/ RankFlow
A temporal graph of who anons on 4chan/pol/ associated to “/ourguy/”, a term used to negotiate who might represent the subforum as a whole.
Understanding Normiefication: A Cross-Platform Analysis of QAnon
Study on the “normiefication” of a conspiracy theory, notably by tracing its appearance across 4chan, 8chan, Reddit, YouTube, Facebook, and online news media.
Political Compass: The Game
An interactive game inspired by the Political Compass meme. Players are invited to think of attributes to a randomly selected political “tribe”, including ur-texts, hashtags, chieftains, and furonas.
Political Space
Travel through a planetary system of memetic tribes (desktop only).
Explore an eclectic collection of Wikipedia articles shared on 4chan/pol/ during the 2016 Great Meme War.