Research by Daniël de Zeeuw and Stijn Peeters was published in the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad. The article, written by Reinier Kist and Menno van den Bos, touches on the impact of deplatforming measures by tech platforms, finding that their efforts only to a small extent curbed Dutch engagement with conspiracy theories.
Read the article here [Dutch].
Also listen to NRC’s podcast (website, Spotify) covering the article.
The research was co-produced with UvA students from the MA New Media & Digital Culture en Journalistiek & Nieuwe Media: Victor van den Berg, Lindy Blommestein, Maurice Dharampal, Mattanja Ewida, Buddy Oosterman, Jesper Lust, Sophie Letschert, Maarten Middelkoop, Juliëtte Molenaars, Puck Sie, Katja Sobot, Christian Ran, Sara Getz, Esmée Koeleman, Roos Beentjes, Doortje Nipius, Jamila Meischke, Tobiah Palm, Josien Beekers en Lonneke van Kampen.