Tracing Normiefication: A Cross-Platform Study of the QAnon Conspiracy Theory

Interactive graphs for the publication

De Zeeuw, Daniël, Sal Hagen, Stijn Peeters and Emilija Jokubauskaitė. 2020. "Tracing Normiefication: A Cross-Platform Analysis of the QAnon Conspiracy Theory." First Monday.

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QAnon-related activity across multiple Web spheres between 28 October 2017 and 1 November 2018.

Reddit beehive graph

Beehive graph of QAnon comments on Reddit. Grouped per 25 comments and colored per subreddit. Data derived from Pushshift. Visualized with RAWGraphs.

Hover over the nodes to see the subreddit. Click on the nodes to go to the subreddit.

YouTube beehive graph

Beehive graph of QAnon videos on YouTube. Data requested on 2 December 2019 with the search endpoint of the YouTube v3 API. Sized per video views and colored on availability on 22 October 2020. Visualized with RAWGraphs.

Hover over the nodes to see the video and channel titles. Click on the nodes to go to the video.

News beehive graph

News articles in English mentioning QAnon, separated per article and colored by the most-occurring sources. Data derived from Nexis Uni and Contextual Web. Visualized with RAWGraphs.

Hover over the nodes to see the article title and source. Click on the nodes to go to the article.

De Zeeuw, Daniël, Sal Hagen, Stijn Peeters and Emilija Jokubauskaitė. 2020. "Tracing Normiefication: A Cross-Platform Analysis of the QAnon Conspiracy Theory." First Monday.